Democracy is stronger when we all participate. Voters in the deep south have been showing up and making their voices heard, and we know Southern voters are excited and ready to participate in 2024 — because Deep South Voters are here to stay.

About Faith Counts

Our democracy is built on three pillars of democracy: census, redistricting, and voting, with the census at its core. An inaccurate census count weakens every other aspect of our democracy, as inaccurate data renders inaccurate maps, subsequently threatening the voting power of the people most often left out. 

As people of faith, voting is not only about our civic responsibility, it is also a sacred action. It is the bedrock of our democracy and any attempts to suppress or weaken the opportunities for all people at the polling booth, we regard as an attack on their agency. Further, because we as believers ascribe to the belief that we are created in the image of God, then this is regarded as an attack on God’s image.

About Fair count

Anchored in Georgia, Fair Count is a nonpartisan, 501(c)(3) working to strengthen the pathways to greater civic participation in communities that have been historically undercounted in the decennial census, underrepresented at the polls, and torn apart in redistricting.